twin-flame-inspiration-videoStaying In Light In The Middle Of Difficulty – Twin Flame Love, Connectedness, Remembering Why You’re Here…

We’re in the middle of a lot of change, uncertainty and “darkness” right now and I know it can be hard to deal with.

You may be looking for help to stay calm, or simply to have something to pass the time with that’s beneficial and helps you stay connected with your spiritual purpose…

To remember why you’re here as a SOUL, when there’s so much going on in the PHYSICAL world. And yes, we are eternal but our physical bodies are our gateway to life here on earth.

As always do remember to stay safe, because we want you here on the planet! x

Making Sense Of Your Path And Why You’re Here…

Today I wanted to share with you again the calm, informative and high vibrational Twin Flame videos I’ve created for you previously.

Some are brand new, some you may have seen… But they’re all designed to help you tap into a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, to connect with love and your Twin…

To make sense of your path and to at this time, feel and know more and more that there truly is a reason you’re here at this crucial time in history.

That really, the Twin Flame journey is such an important path. And that you are always loved.

I also created a session with spirit specifically to assist you at this crucial time of bridging the planet into the higher consciousness grids, and it’s at a special less than half price in order to make sure as many as possible can benefit.

Click here to read more in “What If You Were Here To Help Save The Planet?”

Wow, just, wow! I just purchased and listed to it. It was so beautiful and amazing. I am glowing with golden light. My heart was palpitating the whole time. I feel amazing. And I can feel my Twin flame does too. Thank you!” – Matt (via Instagram)

“I did your Golden Light Infusion meditation several hours ago and immediately felt calmer. I can feel the strength of your intention to help us twins ground unconditional love here on Earth. I am forever thankful to you for that!” – Moira

Click here to read more about the session and download.

The Spiritual “Purpose” Of What’s Going On…

As always you can also get the Free Twin Flame Help Kit here, which contains a powerful Energy Cleanse Audio Session and a Guided Alpha Level Meditation to connect with your Twin on the soul planes, and much more.

If you need some more advice and help with handling this unprecedented situation (including how to pivot into online remote work and income if your job has been compromised), click here for my article with advice.


I will keep bringing you week to week energy forecasts, assistance and high vibrational content to help you stay anchored in light. If you want to stay in touch and get daily messages and content, join me on Instagram here and here.

(And if you’re interested in seeing the astrological/channeled info on what’s really going on in 2020 and what the spiritual “purpose” of this challenging time is on a higher level, click here for my January energy forecast where I talked about this “ending of one world and beginning of a new one”).

Staying Attuned With Guidance And Higher Love…

For daily guidance and support, try the Twin Flame Oracle Card App Free to connect even more directly with your guidance team, intuition and Twin Flame’s higher self.

The app gives helpful exercises and tips on how to deal with common Ascension issues and Twin Flame dynamic challenges too. Click here to learn more.

As the article ID itself became “11222” (assigned automatically by the WordPress system), we have a message to stay in our highest intentions and know we are always loved.

Love is the spiritual truth.

We are always loved and infinitely well and supported, no matter how it appears in the here and now.

(If you want to read more about the “angel numbers” like 333, 777, 11:11 and what they mean for Twin Flames, have a look here)

As always, I’m sending you love and light x


9 Twin Flame Videos To Keep You Inspired…

















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